Online Privacy Test Resource List (POTARC) – check your privacy setup!

Shameless self-advertising (sorry!) but I want you guys show a little project I designed which might help to improve your overall security setup. The list is basically designed to show and give people the possibility to check their systems or applications against known leaks, threats or other data leaks.

Project overview page

The list is open source and everyone can contribute. That’s the power of the crowd, so it’s up to you but at the end it might help other people to stay a little bit more secure if you contribute. Of course you got a good feeling because you did something useful! 🧙

How does it helps without showing any solutions?

The goal isn’t to make a ‘secure your OS/app’ list or a guide which shows to avoid xyz threats. Such guides are mostly outdated very soon or already the moment you write them – it’s more that you visit the mentioned links and fix it yourself. Let’s say you want to check if your VPN is leaking your DNS or not, then you click on e.g. dnsleaktestwhich shows you the  needed information if you’re affected by this leak. The page might shows you the workarounds to solve the issue or you need to do your own research.

But how does it help? Because research is important you might find and learn a lot of more than just visiting a page itself. You mostly forget things if you only re-do someone else tutorial and at the end you haven’t learned anything except to follow given instructions.

Stay secure!


  • Privacy Online Test And Resource Compendium (GitHub)

2 responses to “Online Privacy Test Resource List (POTARC) – check your privacy setup!”

  1. Last time we talked with u chef, there was no workaround for VPN and local time mismatch. Your PC’s local time is X while your IP’s local time is Y. This makes you stand out in the crowd. Do you have some kin of tweak for this?(except of course disabling javascript)

    Secondly, how do you secure your router and modem? Can u make a post about it?


    • Good questions, I think that could be a start for an entire article series to ‘harden’ your hardware setup. I’ll look into it.
