How Long Does Your ISP Store IP-Address Logs?

I often get asked how long the internet service providers store you log files, so here is the answer in short. First of all logging is done by the backend – that said if someone claims that no logs have been collected, he needs to remove the function manually within the software which I highly doubt (cause effort/costs) – and there is simply no proof that a ISP ever coded their own software without leaving the chance behind to identify their own users – it’s simply impossible because how else he know which IP’s are currently behind which address/connection?!

Everyone logs, there is no ‘no logging’ policy – this is a myth.

In Europe, Internet providers are not required to track IP-address assignments so these can be linked to specific subscriber accounts. In the US there are other laws and terms but don’t get blinded just because ‘the law says’ – sometimes this doesn’t prevent anything – that’s what we learned from the NSA leaks.

However since they are in between you and the rest of the world, you have to assume that anything not encrypted is potentially logged by your ISP. Even if you use Google DNS, the DNS request will be send from your computer, to your modem, to equipment of your ISP, then to Google DNS. DNS is not commonly encrypted and contains the name of the site you ask for resolution, thus they can log it. Furthermore, IPs can be passed through a reverse DNS which will return the name the IP is associated with (actually the main name). Whether they do log DNS request or not is not in the scope of the site. After your DNS request, your computer has to access the website. In the same way, if the session is not encrypted, it can be logged.


Time Warner informed me that they store IP-address logs for up to 6 months. Interestingly, the company is the only ISP that also posts information regarding its data retention on its website.


Comcast did not respond to any inquiries but has mentioned a 180 day retention policy for IP-addresses in BitTorrent-related court documents. On some occasions cases have been dismissed because logs were no longer available, meaning that alleged infringers could not be identified. The 180 day policy is also mentioned in the Comcast Law Enforcement Handbook that leaked in 2007.


Verizon’s Privacy Office informed me by eMail that information about IP address assignments is retained for 18 months.


The Qwest/CenturyLink Law Enforcement Support Group informed me that IP-address logs are kept for approximately 1 year. As is also the case with other Internet Providers, Qwest/Century noted that personal details are only disclosed when the company receives a subpoena.


AT&T’s IP-address logging practices are not public. Initially the company did not reply to my inquiry, but upon publishing AT&T’s Privacy Policy Team promised to get back to us as soon as they find out how long logs are kept, this document posted by ACLU suggest that they retain data for about a year.


In Cox’s “Lawful Intercept Worksheet” the company also mentions that logs are kept for “up to 6 months”.


Charter lists no information about their IP-address retention in its privacy policy. However, a reader alerted us to an answer on Charter’s website where it states that residential IP-addresses are retained for one year.

Other providers

  • DSL Extreme says they retain radius IP logs for two weeks on their DSL service.
  • Teksavvy (Canada) keeps IP-assignment logs for 90 days.
  • Eastlink (Canada) keeps IP-assignment logs for one year.
  • Start Communications (Canada) keeps IP-assignment logs for 90 days.
  • Telekom (Germany) keeps IP-assignment logs for 1 year.
  • 1&1 (Germany) keeps IP-assignment logs for 90 days.
  • Swisscom (Switzerland) keeps IP-assignment logs for 1 year.
  • Cityline (Russia) keeps IP-assignment logs for one year.
  • DEMOS (Russia) keeps IP-assignment logs for one year.
  • Golden Telecom (Russia) keeps IP-assignment logs for one year.
  • Arcor (now part of Vodafone Germany) doesn’t store IP addresses.
  • Atlantic Broadband (United States) keeps IP-assignment logs for 6 months. (Thanks to David H Johnson).

The problem?

Even if you think now you’re lucky because you ISP only keeps the logs for 90 days or don’t even logs anything, there spying programs which are designed to monitor the traffic anyway – programs like FINFLY ISP.

Meta-data could also be a problem, there small but bringing all pieces together might compromise or reveal your identity, at this time there is no solution for this because there exist no network without meta-data.

As a matter of fact, even encrypted traffic can be logged, but it can’t be read (unless you can break the crypto).


Decentralizing the Internet itself could be one solution to avoid been tracked all the time. Another one is working with a VPN and in general with strong encrypted protocols which won’t allow anyone to intercept or reveal your traffic.

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